By this point, we’ve all happily updated our cassette tapes and CDs for digital files and audio streaming services. Who wants to live in the knotted-up past when updated technology has worked out the kinks of old inventions? 

Just as audio technology has advanced, other industries have moved forward as well with better, more streamlined solutions. The swimming pool industry is no different. Saltwater pools are all the rage — and for good reason. Adding chlorine directly to swimming pools to sanitize the water has been the norm for over 100 years, so we’re definitely due for an update in swimming pool sanitation technology. Here is where the gorgeous saltwater pool steps onto the scene as the swimming pool of the future!   

Fewer Chemicals Are Used in a Saltwater Pool

Generally speaking, fewer chemicals are needed in a saltwater pool, saving you both time and money. Once your pool is up and running for the season, the salt that you added at your pool opening will sanitize your pool with the help of a salt chlorine generator. Through a chemical process, the generator changes the salt that was previously dissolved in your pool into a pure and gentle form of chlorine. This transforms your salt into a sanitizer that keeps algae, bacteria, viruses, and many other unpleasant things at bay so you can enjoy your pool with fewer extra chemicals in the mix. Balancing your other chemicals levels routinely will keep your pool in great shape all summer. 

A Saltwater Pool Takes Less Effort to Maintain

Pools maintained by salt are easier to manage than pools maintained by adding chlorine directly to them. Traditional chlorine sanitation systems need to be checked on a very regular basis — up to several times a week. Since chlorine evaporates into the air, new chlorine has to constantly be added back into the pool to keep it in balance.

But with a saltwater pool, you’ll have a constant supply of chlorine being generated — meaning more time to enjoy your pool and less time messing with measuring chemicals. Simply put, saltwater pools will only need a few applications of salt per season, whereas chlorine pools will need weekly additions of chlorine at a minimum.

Saltwater Pools Are More Gentle on Swimmers Than Traditional Chlorine Pools

A wonderful perk of saltwater pools is how pleasant the swimming experience is for the user. With a saltwater pool in your backyard, gone are the days of an overpowering chlorine stench that sticks around your hair, skin, and even clothes until you have the chance to shower it off. If you tend to get burning eyes or itchy and dry skin after swimming in a chlorinated pool, you’re in luck! Those side effects are virtually eliminated when you own a saltwater swimming pool. With no harsh chemicals in your water, you’ll love how the water feels on your eyes, hair, swimsuit, and skin.

Your Pool Future Begins at The Pool Guyz

Don’t be like your technology-resistant, boombox-loving uncle who refuses to get with the times. Saltwater pools are the wave of the future for swimming pool enjoyment. Our team can answer any questions you may have about saltwater pools and bring you up to date on the latest technology and long-term savings you can experience from owning a beautiful new pool.

At The Pool Guyz, we exclusively offer high-end fiberglass saltwater pools to take your pool ownership to a whole new level. Begin your journey today by browsing our stunning gallery for inspiration to help you imagine a saltwater pool in your own backyard. Then, give us a call to get started on the backyard oasis of your dreams.